The University of Kassel

Governance innovations for forest ecosystem service provision – Insights from an EU-wide survey

This paper analyses the occurrence of governance innovations for forest ecosystem service (FES) provision in the forestry sector in Europe and the factors that influence innovation development.

Open access link: Governance Innovations for forest ecosystem service provision–Insights from an EU-wide survey

Scanning the solutions for the sustainable supply of forest ecosystem services in Europe

Open access link: Scanning the solutions for the sustainable supply of forest ecosystem services in Europe Forests are key components of European multifunctional landscapes and supply numerous forest ecosystem services (FES) fundamental to human well-being. The sustainable provision of FES has the potential to provide responses to major societal challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, or rural development. To identify suitable strategies for the future sustenance of FES, we performed a solution scanning exercise with a group of transdisciplinary forest and FES experts from different European regions. We identified and prioritized fifteen major challenges hindering the balanced provision of multiple [...]

Exploring the importance of cultural forest ecosystem services: towards new business opportunities?

A European-Japanese international symposium on cultural forest ecosystem services.

15 November 2021 | Registrations

Adaptive solutions required to fit forests for cultural and recreational use

Cultural ecosystem services are gaining importance in European forests, but their promotion requires flexible and combined strategies.

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