
Rialb 2021: forests and water, source of life

Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia
Centre de Proprietat Forestal
There was great alignment of different stakeholders around the necessity to implement an innovation mechanism to value forest management and its direct relation with the amount and quality of water. [...]

First Multi-Actor Group meeting in Bizkaia

Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia 
Agents from different fields involved with payment for ecosystem services in Bizkaia met within the framework of the SINCERE project. The first MAG meeting of the Bizkaia was organised in collaboration with the Union of Foresters of Southern Europe [...]

Rialb 2021: forests for water in Catalonia

Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia
Centre de Proprietat Forestal
There was great alignment of different stakeholders around the necessity to implement an innovation mechanism to value forest management and its direct relation with the amount and quality of water. [...]

“Showing society the entire process of developing a PES scheme is the starting point”

Teresa Baiges / Jose Antonio Bonet
Forest Engineer / Researcher
Centre de Proprietat Forestal (CPF) /
Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC),

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