
SINCERE Final Conference on incentives for FES: Registrations open!

SINCERE Final Conference: an international forum to explore what moves and motivates supply and demand for forest ecosystem services in Europe.

28 – 29 September 2021, Online |  Registrations

The EU Forest Strategy: Strengthening forest ecosystem services and integrated forest management for biodiversity and climate change?

An open, high-level webinar and exchange on the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030.

22 September 2021 | Registrations

Payments for environmental services: what is good practice?

A new policy briefing from the SINCERE project draws on global PES experiences to provide insights for policymakers on the best practices and pre-conditions for successful PES implementation in Europe.

Incentives for forest ecosystem services in Europe: connecting science, practice and policy

SINCERE Final Conference: an international forum to explore what moves and motivates supply and demand for forest ecosystem services in Europe.

28 – 29 September 2021, Online |  Registrations

Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People

Katila, P., Pierce Colfer, C., De Jong, W., Galloway, G., Pacheco, P., & Winkel, G. (Eds.). 2019 Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People Forests provide vital ecosystem services crucial to human well-being and sustainable development, and have an important role to play in achieving the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Little attention, however, has yet focused on how efforts to achieve the SDGs will impact forests and forest-related livelihoods, and how these impacts may, in turn, enhance or undermine the contributions of forests to climate and development. Understanding the potential impacts of [...]

Adding rewards to regulation: The impacts of watershed conservation on land cover and household wellbeing in Moyobamba, Peru

Montoya-Zumaeta, J., Rojas, E., & Wunder, S. 2019 PloS one, 14(11) The authors estimated the effects of Peru’s oldest watershed payments for environmental services (PES) initiative in Moyobamba (Andes–Amazon transition zone) and disentangle the complex intervention into its two main forest conservation treatments. First, a state-managed protected area (PA) was established, allowing sustainable use but drastically limiting de facto land use and land rights of households in the upper watershed through command-and-control interventions. Second, a subset of those environmentally regulated households also received incentives: PES-like voluntary contracts with conditional in-kind rewards, combined with access to participation in sustainable income-generating activities [...]

Why do payments for watershed services emerge? A cross-country analysis of adoption contexts

Bösch, M., Elsasser, P., Wunder, S. 2019 World Development, Vol. 119 Payments for watershed services (PWS) are an increasingly popular tool for watershed management, also in the Southern Hemisphere. However, the degree of PWS adoption varies across these countries and the causes for these adoption differences have so far been little discussed. This paper address this knowledge gap with a quantitative cross-national assessment of factors influencing the decision to adopt PWS schemes across tropical countries. This research, in collaboration with colleagues from the von Thuenen Institute in Hamburg, forms part of the SINCERE project’s Work Package 1 on creating a knowledge [...]

Funeral Forests: Bridges between two worlds

Bernasconi, A. 2019. Book of Abstracts of the 21th conference of EFUF, p.54 Spiritual forest spaces have a rising importance in society. One example of this trend is the funeral forest. In Switzerland only 10% of the deceased are still buried in a coffin, it is common to spread or bury the departed’s ashes (Donner 2018). Between 2009 and 2013 in Germany the number of tree burials doubled up to 45’000 per year (Bauer und Schraml 2018). Funeral forests are sacred places, grounded on two Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) of outstanding importance: (a) spiritual and religious meaning and (b) a space of long duration, linking ancestors with [...]

Using Data Envelopment Analysis on Auction Data for Biodiversity Conservation

Lundhede, T., Strange, N., Termansen, M., Jacobsen, J.B., Vedel, S.E. and Thorsen, B.J. 2019, IFRO Reports, No. 284 Setting aside forest land is a cost effective way to preserve biodiversity in Danish forests in the long‐run (Højgård et al, 2016). In May 2016 the Danish Government launched a program to set aside forest land for biodiversity protection (Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, Naturpakken, 2016). The selected mechanism was to abolish forestry operations on selected state and privately owned land. In 2018 almost 14,000 hectares of state‐owned forest land were selected under this program. The designated areas were identified with [...]

Impacts of forests and forestation on hydrological services in the Andes: A systematic review

Bonnesoeur, V., Locatelli, B., et al. 2019 Forest Ecology and Management, 433 Several Andean countries have planned to restore forest cover in degraded land to enhance the provision of multiple ecosystem services in response to international commitments such as the Bonn Challenge. Hydrological services, e.g. water supply, hydrological regulation and erosion mitigation, are particularly important to sustain the life of more than fifty million Andean people. While rapid and important forest cover changes have occurred during recent decades, critical information on the impact of forestation on hydrological services has not yet been synthesized in the context of Andean ecosystems. To help [...]