Natural Resources Institute Finland

Private landowners’ preferences for trading forest landscape and recreational values: A choice experiment application in Kuusamo, Finland

Although nature-based tourism is increasingly recognized, economic incentives for private landowners supporting the production of amenity values are largely lacking. This study focused on possibilities to enhance the scenic and recreational values of private forests for nature-based tourism in Finland.

Open access link: Private landowners' preferences for trading forest landscape and recreational values: A choice experiment application in Kuusamo, Finland

2022-10-19T15:40:50+01:00July 8th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Private landowners’ preferences for trading forest landscape and recreational values: A choice experiment application in Kuusamo, Finland

Importance of forest landscape quality for companies operating in nature tourism areas

To promote the growth of nature based tourism in privately owned forest areas, new policy instruments, e.g. Payments for Ecosystem Services, are needed. They could engage private forest owners and nature-based tourism companies to cooperate and support the growth of the sector.

Open access link: Importance of forest landscape quality for companies operating in nature tourism areas

2022-10-19T15:40:50+01:00July 8th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Importance of forest landscape quality for companies operating in nature tourism areas

Maintaining an attractive natural environment for travel destinations through landscape and recreation value trade

The trade in landscape and recreational values outlined in this article is one way of preserving our shared environment for tourists, local operators and nature itself.

Open access link (Finnish): Matkakohteen luontoympäristön vetovoimaisuuden ylläpitäminen maisema- ja virkistysarvokaupan avulla 

Photo: Pixabay

Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People

Katila, P., Pierce Colfer, C., De Jong, W., Galloway, G., Pacheco, P., & Winkel, G. (Eds.). 2019 Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People Forests provide vital ecosystem services crucial to human well-being and sustainable development, and have an important role to play in achieving the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Little attention, however, has yet focused on how efforts to achieve the SDGs will impact forests and forest-related livelihoods, and how these impacts may, in turn, enhance or undermine the contributions of forests to climate and development. Understanding the potential impacts of [...]

Participation and compensation claims in voluntary forest landscape conservation: The case of the Ruka-Kuusamo tourism area, Finland

Mäntymaa, E., Juutinen, A., Tyrväinen, L., Karhu, J. and Kurttila, M., 2018 Journal of Forest Economics, 33 The expansion of nature-based tourism on private land requires new mechanisms to coordinate tourism industry and commercial forestry interests. This attribute-based contingent valuation study elaborated the supply side of potential payments for ecosystem services (PES) mechanism named Landscape and Recreational Values Trading (LRVT), proposed to enhance the provision of amenity values in privately owned forests located in tourism and recreation areas. Using a mail survey data set, we analyzed forest owners’ willingness to participate in LRVT and the related compensation claims in the Ruka-Kuusamo area, [...]

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