
Final SINCERE paper assesses the state and prospects of forest ecosystem services provision in Europe

A major paper presents policy-relevant findings to support multiple forest ecosystem services in Europe. The paper provides ideas on how future European forest governance could align FES demand and supply in the light of three challenges: climate change adaptation; biodiversity crisis; and the need to move towards a sustainable bioeconomy.


Governing Europe’s forests for multiple ecosystem services: Opportunities, challenges, and policy options

This paper assessed the state and prospects of forest ecosystem services provision in Europe, introducing new data from three European collaborative research projects including SINCERE.

Open access link: Governing Europe's forests for multiple ecosystem services: Opportunities, challenges, and policy options

Missed our final event? Watch the video now!

The final event featured selected conclusions and recommendations from two European-wide research and innovation projects, based on experiences, practical work and findings on the implementation of innovations and policy learning relating to forest ecosystem services (FES).


Four pathways to govern Europe’s multiple forest ecosystem services

A major paper presents policy-relevant findings to support multiple forest ecosystem services in Europe. The paper provides ideas on how future European forest governance could align FES demand and supply in the light of three challenges: climate change adaptation; biodiversity crisis; and the need to move towards a sustainable bioeconomy.


Final SINCERE event looks to the future for forest ecosystem services in Europe

The final event featured selected conclusions and recommendations from two European-wide research and innovation projects, based on experiences, practical work and findings on the implementation of innovations and policy learning relating to forest ecosystem services (FES).


Looking to the future for forest ecosystem services in Europe

What are the potential opportunities and support needed for the provision of forest ecosystem services to contribute towards forest strategies in Europe? Find out in this online dissemination event on 30 March 2022.

30 March 2022, 10:00 - 11:30 CET | online event


Aligning multiple demands: Policy approaches for forest ecosystem services in Europe

SINCERE and NOBEL projects boiled down the complex issue of support for the provisioning of multiple forest ecosystem services in Europe into three opportunities, six challenges and four policy pathways in a recent policy forum.


Forests for Water in Catalonia

The Inovation action Centre de Proprietat Forestal (CPF) has produced a new video!

This innovation case is strengthening the link between forests and water with the overall aim of diversifying financing sources for forest management by integrating ecosystem service provision into the economic balance sheet.

2022-05-05T21:32:35+01:00November 10th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Creating innovative mechanisms for forest ecosystem services: what does science tell us?

Opportunities and challenges of ecosystem service provision were the focus of the first session of the SINCERE-Nobel Final Conference, held online on 28 September. Find the key messages here, download the presentations and watch the complete videos of each session, if you missed them!


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