SINCERE project final results and findings!

The SINCERE project drew to a close at the end of March after four-and-a-half years’ collaboration and cooperation to bring forest ecosystem services (FES) into focus for policy, practice, research and business.

The work, which took place at local, national and international level, across Europe and beyond, investigated the incentives and innovation needed to support our forests to provide the goods and services society demands, and the challenges and opportunities for their supply.

Results range from policy approaches for forest ecosystem services in Europe, a synthesis of project outputs and results, and findings from the project’s innovation action case studies.

A final project video highlights four different Innovative Actions for forest ecosystem services, as explored by SINCERE case studies.

Read on for a round-up of the main project results!

2022-10-19T15:40:51+01:00 June 22nd, 2022|0 Comments