Communicating ecosystem services
This short article gives a brief overview of why and how to talk about ecosystem services to the public. It introduces the key points of a study on how the public understands the ecosystem services concept and terminology.
Organisation: The Nature Conservancy
Key findings from recent national opinion research on ‘ecosystem services’
This report provides advice on the most effective language and messaging to use when communicating ecosystem services to the public. It includes the full results of a survey of the American public and how they understand the ecosystem services concept and terminology.
Organisation: The Nature Conservancy
Nature’s benefit messaging memo
This memo includes a ‘message triangle’ tool for developing effective messages, sample press release, speech and op-ed on ecosystem services.
Organisation: The Nature Conservancy
This is a set of infographics that can be used to explain sustainable forest management, forests and energy, forestry and food security, and other themes.
Organisation: UNFAO
Marketing and communications toolkit
This is a set of tools for FSC partners seeking to communicate the value of forests. It also includes case studies of how brands are communicating about sustainable forestry and FSC certification.
Organisation: FSC
Be a better communicator: Tools and tips to help Natura 2000 managers
This site provides a wide range of tools, guidance and skills to enhance communications about Europe’s habitats, species and landscapes. It includes advice on talking to the media, storytelling, meeting facilitation, developing communications strategies and other topics. It was specifically developed for Natura 2000 managers but is adaptable for use by others.
Organisation: Europarc
Strategic communication for sustainable development
This document provides step-by-step guidance on strategic communications for sustainable development and why they are important. It outlines different steps to achieve strategic communications, including strategy design, media selection and mix, message design and use of media.
Organisation: GTZ
Ecosystem service messaging
This report offers advice on how to frame ecosystem services and develop effective messaging, as well as on communications for incentivising good land management. It was developed for Oregon, US, but has wider relevance.
Organisation: Resource Media
Communicating forest values
A newsletter with guidance about sparking interest in forests amongst the public, messaging and use of photos.
Organisation: IUCN CEC
Storymaps – a new approach to communicating about forests
An article outlining how GIS storymaps can be used as a tool to communicate forest values, services and threats, and providing some examples of storymaps.
Organisation: USDA
Mangroves against the storm Shorthand story
This is an example of a visual way to communicate issues related to forest ecosystem services, using Shorthand, a visual storytelling platform.
Organisation: IUCN
Forest Fires Risk Communication
Guidance on effective communication of forest fire risk to different groups including communities, children/youth and journalists. It identifies the main themes that need to be communicated, as well as advice on adapting messaging for the various groups.
Organisation: eFIRECOM
Inspiring support for protected areas through communication, education and public awareness programmes
Guidance on effective communications and awareness raising campaigns to effect change. It discusses methods of changing knowledge, attitudes, norms and values, and outlines methods to motivate positive action and sustain behaviour change. it is focused on protected areas but is more broadly applicable.
Organisation: CBD
The power of the ‘package’ in communicating forestry research
Guidance on developing and using packages of multimedia materials (videos, blogs, photo stories, infographics etc.) and why such packages are useful for communicating about forests.
Organisation: CIFOR
Science communication
Guidance on talking to the media and policy makers, telling stories and designing visual communication materials.
Organisation: Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Talking about young forests: A communication handbook
Guidance on communicating with the public, decision makers, land owners and the media, including points to follow and avoid. It is specifically focused on communicating the importance of young forests, but many aspects are more broadly applicable.
Organisation: Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Communicating natural capital: Seven storytelling examples
This web page makes the case for storytelling as an effective means of communication. It includes examples of how information on the benefits of ecosystem services can be structured into a story.
Organisation: Natural Capital Project
Storytelling guide for landscape projects
This guide provides advice on telling stories through forest and landscape projects. It offers suggestions on framing a story, reaching different stakeholder groups, building relationships and using digital media, amongst others.
Organisation: Open Forests