“Only a clear mechanism that allows to bridge the end user to the forest will be the only way to improve forest revenues”
To your own company what’s the relationship between preserving and managing forest ecosystem services (FES) and having a forest with positive economic and social impacts?
The presence of wild mushrooms in forest occurs as natural biological process in all forests of the globe. However, only recently the forestry knowledge allowed to promote special silviculture techniques to increase the productivity of wild mushrooms in the forest. Moreover, wild mushrooms are commodities as well an embedded forest products at the same time, which can be sold as recreational activity carried out in the wood.
Which are the paths to improve on FES and how are you preparing/doing them?
Commercialisation is surely the main path to improve the environmental and economic performance of the FES. Only a clear mechanism that allows to bridge the end user to the forest will be the only way to improve forest revenues.
In your opinion, are we close to the transition from a fossil-based economy towards a bioeconomy that is based on the entire spectrum of FES? If not, what do you think that is still missing?
Our consortium is an active actor in all the bio-economy. It has been three years that we use biofuel generated by the mushroom forests, to heat up the hospital and another infrastructure of the village. However, wood mobilisation is extremely difficult without infrastructure that allowed to update wood at the reasonable price.
Can you describe what is your organization’s role in SINCERE and why did you get involved in the project?
Our consortium is part of an innovation action in which we try to improve the commercialization of the recreational activity linked to wild mushroom collection in forest.
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