
Videos 2022-05-31T14:30:28+01:00

The first SINCERE video introduces the forest ecosystem services (FES) concept, challenges of balancing demand & supply, and SINCERE’s actions to support innovation and FES. The video is available with subtitles in the following languages: Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

The final SINCERE video highlights four different Innovative Action for forest ecosystem services, as explored by SINCERE case studies. Includes interviews with the Danish Forest Association, Consorzio Comunalie Parmensi, Italy, Natural Resources Institute of Finland, and Centre Proprietat Forestal of Catalonia, Spain.

Preserving landscapes and biodiversity in Kuusamo
An inspiring new video shows the value of Finland’s beautiful Ruka-Kuusamo region where wood is no longer seen as the only source of income from the forests there.

©Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association

Forests for Water in Catalonia
Payment for Ecosystems Services in Practice: a case study, the 5th Good Practice on PROGRESS Governance for ecosystem services.
Catalonia, Spain

Ecopay Connect: A winning agreement between the park and its companies
The Ecopay Connect initiative contacts companies that make daily choices of responsibility, proving to be innovative and far-sighted.


Case study partners from the Basque Country Innovation Action visit a local school to explain the benefits of forest ecosystem services.

In the summer, for those seeking peace and quiet with a breath-taking scenery, or for those looking for adventurous activities, Kuusamo is perfect.
The Finninsh Forest Center, Finland

©Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association

There is a world of different activities you can do in a forest. You’ll never get bored near one!
Deputation Floral de Bizkaia Servicio de Montes

Innovation Action Croatia 

A brief stakeholder interview about the innovation action in Croatia

Innovation Action Finland
A brief stakeholder interview about the Finnish innovation action.

Coordinates of Nature
Nature has a lot of different colours, shapes, smells, and states.
The Finnish Forest Center, Finland

©Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association

Do you know what a forest guard does during the day? Here we follow Mikel and his companion to see what daily shores are related to working in Deputation Floral de Bizkaia. Deputation Floral de Bizkaia Servicio de Montes, Spain

Kuusamo is well known around the world. Whether sports enthusiasm you or you prefer to enjoy the beauty of natural landscapes, there are a lot of activities and experiences to choose from.
The Finninsh Forest Center, Finland

©Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association

Trees of all Trades
What are the benefits of trees in cities? Find out in this great information video on importance and services of the urban forest.
Halifax, Canada.

©Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association

Video 02

Video 03

Video 04

Video 05

Gallery Example 1

Gallery Example 2

Gallery Example 3

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