Health and Sport as a Forest Ecosystem Services in Protected Areas and Payment for Ecosystem Services

Jurević Varga, M., Popijač, M., Tišma, S. 2019. Book of Abstracts: 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture

The multifunctional role of the forest is reflected in the preservation of the environment and biodiversity, the mitigation of the consequences of climate change, the preservation of the quality and quantity of drinking water and soil, and it creates the preconditions for the development of green economy. Demand for forest Ecosystem Services (FES) is increasing, due to growing populations and socio-economic changes. The aim of the research is to valorise the health function of the FES and develop the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) methodology. Public Institution Nature Park Medvednica conducts research as part of the project “Spurring INnovations for forest eCosystem sERvices in Europe“. The research will be carried out for three years, in cooperation with stakeholders, through workshops whereby stakeholders will be actively involved. On the co-design workshop stakeholders have identified several mechanisms (One-time concession permits, Donation boxes, Application model) that will be further improved and tested in the field. Also the survey on the willingness to pay for FES is conducting. The results obtained by analyzed questionnaires and compared with the already existing parameters will be the basis for developing the PES methodology. This research should raise public awareness on the health benefits of FES and FES in general. It is well known that the FES are ten times larger than the economic value of the wood mass. Developed PES methodology will provide resources to maintain existing content and infrastructure in Nature Park Medvednica and finance new ones.

Jurević Varga, M., Popijač, M., Tišma, S. 2019. Health and Sport as a Forest Ecosystem Services in Protected Areas and Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), Book of Abstracts: 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture, p.32

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